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Need separate Time field in addition to Date field

I would like to suggest an addition of a separate Time field alongside the existing Date field. Rationale: While users currently have the option to fill out date and time in a single field, many service booking scenarios only require a start time after selecting a date. A separate Time field would improve user experience by providing a more intuitive and streamlined interface. This would align with common practices found on other booking sites, where the date is often prefilled and users can select time from a dropdown (ideally with possibility to restrict from-to). This change could ultimately reduce user errors and make the booking process more efficient. Improved User Experience: By providing a dedicated Time field, users can quickly select a time for their appointment or event without having to navigate a combined Date-Time picker. This segmentation simplifies the process and reduces potential confusion. Users who only need to specify a start time without reference to an end time will find separate fields more intuitive. Thank you for considering this enhancement!

Peter Kizik About 1 month ago


💡 Feature Request


Custom validation error should supercede default error message

Currently, when a field is marked as "Required," the default error message ("This field is required") is displayed if the user submits the form without filling it out. I have implemented custom error messages for specific fields and conditions, but these messages do not appear when the default error message takes precedence. It would be beneficial to have the ability to display my custom validation messages while still keeping the "Required" flag enabled and thereby retaining the visual indication of the required field (such as the asterisk). Expected Behavior: When a required field fails validation due to custom conditions, the system should display the custom error message instead of the default "This field is required" message, all without requiring me to disable the "Required" flag. Use Case: This enhancement would allow for clearer, more informative feedback to users, improving form usability while still ensuring that they understand which fields are required. Steps to replicate: Create a text field and mark it as required. Go to Validation tab→select field → Add the field with condition “Is Not Empty” (essentially required) and add custom Error message. When the form is submitted default error message shows up instead of custom one.

Peter Kizik About 2 months ago


💡 Feature Request

Dynamic, Contextual Input Options

Problem Statement: Currently, input fields often have static, predefined options. This limits flexibility and user experience, especially when options depend on previous selections or dynamic data. Proposed Solution: Implement a feature that allows input fields to dynamically populate options based on: Admin-Defined Lists: Create and manage lists of options in the admin settings. Assign these lists to specific input fields. Example: A list of countries could be defined and assigned to a "Country" input field. API-Fetched Options: Allow input fields to fetch options from a specified API endpoint. The API endpoint can receive parameters based on previous input values. Example: When a user selects a "Country" from a list, the "City" input field can fetch city options for the selected country from an API. Use Cases: Contextual Filtering: A user selects a "State" from a dropdown. The "City" input field dynamically populates with cities from the selected state. Hierarchical Data: A user selects a "Country" from a dropdown. The "Region" input field populates with regions within the selected country. The "City" input field then populates with cities within the selected region.

User About 2 months ago


💡 Feature Request