Need separate Time field in addition to Date field

I would like to suggest an addition of a separate Time field alongside the existing Date field.

Rationale: While users currently have the option to fill out date and time in a single field, many service booking scenarios only require a start time after selecting a date. A separate Time field would improve user experience by providing a more intuitive and streamlined interface. This would align with common practices found on other booking sites, where the date is often prefilled and users can select time from a dropdown (ideally with possibility to restrict from-to).

This change could ultimately reduce user errors and make the booking process more efficient.

Improved User Experience:

  • By providing a dedicated Time field, users can quickly select a time for their appointment or event without having to navigate a combined Date-Time picker. This segmentation simplifies the process and reduces potential confusion.

  • Users who only need to specify a start time without reference to an end time will find separate fields more intuitive.

Thank you for considering this enhancement!

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In Review


💡 Feature Request


16 days ago


Peter Kizik

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