Dynamic, Contextual Input Options

Problem Statement:

Currently, input fields often have static, predefined options. This limits flexibility and user experience, especially when options depend on previous selections or dynamic data.

Proposed Solution:

Implement a feature that allows input fields to dynamically populate options based on:

  1. Admin-Defined Lists:

    • Create and manage lists of options in the admin settings.

    • Assign these lists to specific input fields.

    • Example: A list of countries could be defined and assigned to a "Country" input field.

  2. API-Fetched Options:

    • Allow input fields to fetch options from a specified API endpoint.

    • The API endpoint can receive parameters based on previous input values.

    • Example: When a user selects a "Country" from a list, the "City" input field can fetch city options for the selected country from an API.

Use Cases:

  • Contextual Filtering:

    • A user selects a "State" from a dropdown.

    • The "City" input field dynamically populates with cities from the selected state.

  • Hierarchical Data:

    • A user selects a "Country" from a dropdown.

    • The "Region" input field populates with regions within the selected country.

    • The "City" input field then populates with cities within the selected region.

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In Review


💡 Feature Request


About 1 month ago



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